Mastering Korean Grammar: An introduction to the 7 Most Essential Korean Particles: -은/는, -이/가, -을/를, -에서, -에, -와/과, -도

In the Korean language, particles are small words that are used to indicate the relationship In the Korean language, particles are small words that are used to indicate the relationship between nouns and other elements in a sentence. They play an important role in expressing grammatical relationships and meaning in sentences. Here are 7 of the most essential particles in Korean. 1. -은/는: Used to mark the topic of a sentence and indicate a connection to other elements in the sentence The particle "은/는" is used to indicate the topic of a sentence in Korean and often translates to "as for." When the last letter has the final consonant, ‘-은’ is used; whereas when the last letter does not have the final consonant ‘-는’ is used. This particle is used to emphasize the topic being discussed or to provide additional information about the topic. 저는 김미소예요. (I am Kim Miso.): the particle "-는" is used after the pronoun "저" to indicate that the speaker is intr...

50 Most Common Korean Phrases for Traveling: A Comprehensive Guide for Tourists

Korean is the official language of South Korea and is spoken by over 77 million people worldwide. For travelers visiting Korea, learning some common Korean phrases can make a big difference in their trip. By speaking the local language, travelers can show respect for the culture and make communication easier. In this blog post, we will provide a list of the 50 most common Korean phrases for traveling, including greeting phrases, basic questions, and answers, expressions of needs and wants, navigation, and ordering food and drinks. Section 1: Greeting Phrases in Korean Greeting phrases play an important role in any language, setting the tone for the rest of the conversation. In Korean, there are many ways to greet someone, from a simple "Hello" to a more formal "Good morning." Here are the 10 most common Korean greeting phrases that you should know: 1. 안녕하세요 (ann-yeong-ha-se-yo) - Hello 2. 좋은 아침이에요 (jo-eun a-chi-mi-e-yo) - Good morning 3. 안녕히 계세요 (an-nyeong-hi ge-se-...

#11 TOPIK Korean Vocabulary for beginners (251-275) | PDF download ↓

  This vocabulary is for beginners who are preparing TOPIK (한국어 능력시험). ⭐️ #11 TOPIK Korean Vocabulary for beginners (251-275) & Self-test ⭐️ 1. Monday: 점심시간, 오다, 천천히, 움직이다, 몸 251 점심시간 [ 점심시간 ] [jeom-sim-si-gan] n. lunchtime 점심시간이 되다 [ 점심시가니 되다 ] [jeom-sim-si-ga-ni doe-da] it's lunchtime 252 오다 [ 오다 ] [o-da] v. come 천천히 오다 [ 천천히 오다 ] [cheo-ncheon-hi o-da] to come slowly 253 천천히 [ 천천히 ] [cheon-cheon-hi] adv. slowly 천천히 움직이다 [ 천천히 움지기다 ] [cheon-cheon-hi um-ji-gi-da] to move slowly 254 움직이다 [ 움지기다 ] [um-ji-gi-da] v. move 몸을 움직이다 [ 모믈 움지기다 ] [mo-meul um-ji-gi-da] to move one's body 255 몸 [ 몸 ] [mom] n. body 몸이 건강하다 [ 모미 건강하다 ] [mo-mi geon-gang-ha-da] to be in good health 2. Tuesday: 건강, 나쁘다, 사람, 재미있다, 재미없다 256 건강 [ 건강 ] [geon-gang] n. health, wellbeing 건강이 나쁘다 [ 건강이 나쁘다 ] [geon-gang-i na-ppeu-da] be in bad health 257 나쁘다 [ 나쁘다 ] [na-ppeu-da] adj bad 나쁜 사람 [ 나쁜 사람 ] [na-ppeun sa-ram] a bad person 258 사람 [ 사람 ] [sa-ram] n. human, person 재미있는 사람 [ 재미인는 사람 ] [jae-mi-...