Learn Korean: Korean Grammar 121: N이나/나 (2)

 In this lesson, we're going to learn 'N이나/나'

‘물이 반이나 남았어요.’ (Half the water's left. Or There is only half the water left.)

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🎬 한국어 문법 강의 121: https://youtu.be/aOPOETSsIlY

1. A short conversation

- 미소: 나나 씨는 책을 좋아하나 봐요. 한 달에 몇 권 정도 읽어요?
            (I think you like reading books. How many books do you read per month?)

- 나나: 한 열 권 정도 읽는 것 같아요.
            (I think I read around 10 books.)

- 미소: 열 권이나 읽어요? 저는 한 달에 한 권도 안 읽는데, 정말 많이 읽네요.
            (Do you read 10 books? I don't read even one book a month, but you read a lot.)

→ The grammar we're going to learn today is '열 권이나.'

2. Usage

- '(이)나' attaches after a noun that indicates quantity or quality.

- It's a postpositional particle used to indicate that the amount of something is larger than expected or to emphasize a large amount.

3. Example Sentences

✎ 미소: 한 달에 책을 열 권이나 읽어요? (열 권 + 이나)
            (Do you read ten books a month?)

- '열 권이나' comes from the combination of the noun '열 권' and '이나.'

- Miso reads one book a month. On the other hand, Nana reads ten books a month.

- By Miso's standards, Nana reads a lot of books.

- At this time, you can use '이나' after the noun '열 권' to say that the number is larger than you expect. ‘열 권이나’

✎ 미소: 배가 고파서 햄버거를 다섯 개나 먹었어요. (다섯 개 + 나)        
            (I was hungry so I ate 5 burgers.)

- '다섯 개나' comes from the combination of the noun '다섯 개' and '나.'

- Miso usually eats only one hamburger. But today, she was really hungry. So she ate 5 burgers. She eats more than usual.

- At this time, you can use '나' after the noun '다섯 개' to say that the number is larger than the number that you normally eat. '다섯 개나'

4. Comparison: N이나/나 vs N밖에

- Let's compare 'Noun(이)나' to 'Noun밖에'.

- Depending on the speaker, both expressions '(이)나' or '밖에' can be used to say the same amount.

1) N이나/나: '(이)나' is used to say that a certain quantity is more than expected.

- 물이 반이나 남았어요. (Half the water's left.)

2) N밖에: is used to say that a certain quantity is less than expected.

- 물이 반밖에 안 남았어요. (There is only half water left.)

- If the speaker thinks that the same amount is bigger than expected, use '이나.'

- If the speaker thinks that the same amount is smaller than expected, use '밖에.'

5. Combination Information 

- It attaches after a noun.

(1) Final Consonant O: 이나

- When the preceding noun has the final consonant, '이나' is used.

- 열 번 + 이나 → 열 번이나

- 열 명 + 이나 → 열 명이나

(2) 받침 X: 나

- On the other hand, when the preceding noun does not have the final consonant, '나' is used.

- 열 개 + 나 → 열 개나

- 열 마리 + 나 → 열 마리나

6. Practice 

✎ 나나 씨는 강아지를 다섯 마리나 키워요. (다섯 마리 + 나) 
    (Nana has five puppies.)

- '다섯 마리나' is an expression that combines '나' after the noun '다섯 마리'.

✎ 커피 한 잔에 15000원이나 해요? (15000원 + 이나)
    (Is it really 15,000 won for a cup of coffee?)

- ‘15,000원이나’ is the combination of the noun '15,000원' and '이나'.

✎ 집에서 학교까지 버스로 두 시간이나 걸려요. (두 시간 + 이나)
    (It takes two hours from home to school by bus.)

- ‘두 시간이나’ is the combination of the noun '두 시간' and '이나'.

(A short conversation)

- 미소: 나나 씨, 한국어 시험 잘 봤어요? 
            (Nana, did you take a Korean exam well?)

- 나나: 아니요. 실수해서 세 개나 틀렸어요. 
            (No. I made a mistake so I got three wrong.)

- 미소: 세 개밖에 안 틀렸어요? 시험 잘 봤네요.
            (Did you only get three wrong? You did well on your test.)

→ 세 개나 (세 개 + 나)

- '세 개나' is a combination of the noun  '세 개'  and '나.'

- Nana thinks that 'three' is more than expected.

- So she says '세 개나.'

→ 세 개밖에 (세 개 + 밖에)

- On the other hand, Mis thinks that 'three' is less than expected.

- So she says '세 개밖에.'

- Even though 'three' is the same, their perspectives differ.

Thank you! 

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