Learn Korean: Korean Grammar 118: V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

In this lesson, we're going to learn V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다.

저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요.

If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.

🎬 Korean Grammar: 118: https://youtu.be/VE9UTf3JU3k

1. A short conversation & Pronunciation
Korean Grammar V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
 V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

- 미소: 나나 씨, 이번 여름 휴가 때 뭐 할 거예요? 
            (Nana, what are you going to do on your vacation this summer?)
           어디로 갈지 정했어요?
            (Have you decided where to go?)

- 나나: 아니요. 아직 결정하지는 않았지만, 가족들과 제주도에 갈까 해요.
            (No, I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking of going to Jeju Island with my family.)

- Here, the grammar we will learn today '갈까 해요.'

2. Usage
Korean Grammar V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
 V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

→ 'ㄹ까/을까 하다' attaches after a verb stem.
→ ㄹ까/을까 (ending) + 하다 (Verb): It is an expression that combines the verb '하다' after the ending 'ㄹ까/을까.'
→ As an expression, it's not yet decided, but it's used to indicate that you have an intention to do something.

3. Example Sentences
✎ 휴가 때 제주도로 여행을 갈까 해요. (가다 + ㄹ까 하다)
    (I'm thinking of going on a trip to Jeju Island on vacation.)

→ Here, '갈까 해요' is a combination of the verb '가다' and '-ㄹ까 하다.'
→ Did Nana decide to go to Jeju Island on vacation? No, she has not decided yet.
→ But she is thinking. It would be nice to go to Jeju Island. She is thinking of going on a vacation to Jeju Island.
→ Like this, it hasn't been decided yet, but when you have an idea to do something, you can use 'ㄹ까 하다' after the verb '가다' and say: 갈까 해요.

Korean Grammar V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
 V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

✎ 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요. (먹다 + 을까 하다)
    (I'm thinking of having pizza for dinner.)

→ '먹을까 해요' is a combination of the verb '먹다' and '-을까 하다.'
→ Did Nana decide to eat pizza for dinner? No, she has not decided yet.
→ But she is thinking. It would be nice to eat pizza. She is thinking of having pizza for dinner.
→ Like this, it hasn't been decided yet, but when you have an idea to do something, you can use '을까 하다' after the verb '먹다' and say: 먹을까 해요.

Korean Grammar V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
 V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

4. Grammar Information
(1) ‘안’ negation: 안 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다, V-지 않을까 하다.
- When you negate '-(으)ㄹ까 하다', use '안' negative expressions.
✎ 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요.
→ 저녁에 피자를 안 먹을까 해요. (안 + 먹다 + 을까 하다)
→ 저녁에 피자를 먹지 않을까 해요. (먹다 + 지 않을까 하다)

※ You cannot use '못' negative expressions.: V-(으)ㄹ까 하다 (X), V-지 못할까 하다. (X)
- 저녁에 피자를 못 먹을까 해요. (X)
- 저녁에 피자를 먹지 못할까 해요. (X)

(2) Question Sentence (X), Commend Sentnece (X), Request Sentence (X)
-  '(으)ㄹ까 하다' cannot be used in  'question, command, request sentneces.'
✎ Question Sentence: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요? (X)
✎ Commend Sentnece : 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 하세요. (X)
✎ Request Sentence: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 합시다. (X)

(3) Present Tense (O), Past Tense (O), Future Tense (X)
- '-(으)ㄹ까 하다' can be used with the present and past tense, but not with an expression indicating the future.
✎ Present: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 해요.(O)
✎ Past: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 했어요. (O)
✎ Future: 저녁에 피자를 먹을까 할 거예요. (X)

4. Combination Information
- 'ㄹ까/을까 하다' attaches after a verb stem.
(1) Final Consonant O: -을까 하다
- When a verb stem has the final consonant, '-을까 하다' is used.
- 먹다 + 을까 하다 → 먹을까 하다
- 읽다 + 을까 하다 → 읽을까 하다

(2) Final Consonant X: -ㄹ까 하다
- When a verb stem does not have the final consonant, '-ㄹ까 하다' is used.
- 가다 + ㄹ까 하다 → 갈까 하다
- 보다 + ㄹ까 하다 → 볼까 하다

(3) Final Consonant ㄹ: ㄹ drop + ㄹ까 하다
- When a verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ’, delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘-ㄹ까 하다’.
- 만들다 (ㄹ 탈락) + ㄹ까 하다 → 만들까 하다
- 놀다 (ㄹ 탈락) + ㄹ까 하다 → 놀까 하다

Korean Grammar V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
 V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

4. Practice
✎ 수업이 끝나면 집에서 영화를 볼까 해요. (보다 + ㄹ까 하다)
        (After class, I'm thinking of watching a movie at home.)
✎ 저녁에 책을 읽을까 해요. (읽다 + 을까 하다)
        (I'm thinking of reading a book in the evening.)
✎ 주말에 게임을 하면서 놀까 해요. (놀다 (ㄹ탈락) + ㄹ까 하다)
        (I'm thinking of playing games on the weekend.)

(A short conversation & Pronunciation)
Korean Grammar V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다
 V-을까 하다/ㄹ까 하다

- 나나: 미소 씨, 퇴근하고 뭐 할 거예요?
            (Miso, what are you going to do after work?)
- 미소: 글쎄요. 집에 갈까 하는데, 왜요?
            (I do not know. I'm thinking of going home, why?)
- 나나: 저는 영화를 볼까 하는데, 같이 볼래요?
            (I'm thinking of watching a movie, but would you like to watch it together?)

→ 갈까 하는데 (가다 + ㄹ까 하다 + 는데)
→ 볼까 하는데 (보다 + ㄹ까 하다 + 는데)

Thank you~!

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