Learn Korean | Learn Korean Grammar 01 - N은/는
Hello~Welcome to Basic Korean.
This is the first grammar lesson and in this lesson, we're going to learn a Korean grammar 'N은/는.'
If you want to listen to this lesson in Korean (with English subtitles), please watch the below video.
🎬 Korean Grammar Video 01: https://youtu.be/X6P1wU-Rbo8
🌲Korean Grammar 01: N-은/는
(You can have this content in Korean.)
Let's look at examples first and see how today's grammar is used.
- 저는 김미소예요. (I am Kim Miso.)
- 제 직업은 선생님이에요. (My job is a teacher.)
Here, today's grammar is '저는, 직업은.' Let's look at today's grammar!
Here, today's grammar is '저는, 직업은.' Let's look at today's grammar!
2. Usage
Korean Grammar '은/는' usage |
- '은/는' attaches after a noun.
- Topic marker: '은/는' indicates that the preceding noun is the topic of the sentence.
- 주제 = topic
Let's look at two example sentences.
✎ '저는 김미소예요.' which means 'I am Kim Miso.
⇨ '는' attaches after '저 (which means 'I') that indicates '저' is the topic of the sentence.
⇨ The sentence is talking about '저.'
✎ '제 직업은 선생님이에요.' which means 'I am Kim Miso.'
⇨ '은' attaches after '직업 (which means 'job') that indicates '직업' is the topic of the sentence.
⇨ The sentence is talking about '직업.'
Now let's find out a combination information
Now let's find out a combination information
3. Combination information
3.1. A noun with a final consonant: +은
a noun with a final consonant + 은 |
- When a noun has the final consonant, '은' is used.
- 직업 (job) ➝ 직업은
- The last character of '직업' is '업.'
- There is the final consonant 'ㅂ' in '업.'
- Add '은'
- So it becomes '직업은.'
- When a noun does not the final consonant, '는' is used.
- 저 (I) ➝저는
- There no final consonant in '저.'
- Add '는'
- So it becomes '저는.'
3.3. Summary of combination information '은/는'
Now, let's practice!
4. Practice
4.1. Practice 1
1. 이름 (=name) + 은/는?
- When you look at the last character of '이름,' it has the final consonant 'ㄹ' in '름.'
- Then add '은.'
- It becomes '이름은.'
2. 학생 (=student) + 은/는?
Korean Grammar '은/는' practice |
- When you look at the last character of '학생,' it has the final consonant 'ㅇ' in '생.'
- Then add '은.'
- It becomes '학생은.'
3. 가수 (=singer) + 은/는?
- When you look at the last character of '가수,' it does not have the final consonant in '수.'
- Then add '는.'
- It becomes '가수는.'
4. 배우 (=actoer/actress) + 은/는?
Korean Grammar '은/는' practice |
- When you look at the last character of '배우,' it does not have the final consonant in '우.'
- Then add '는.'
- It becomes '배우는.'
Here is the summary of practice 1.
Korean Grammar '은/는' practice |
4.2. Practice 2
What should be in ❓? 은 or 는?
[Answer & Translation]
✎ 저❓ 박민영이에요. (=I am Park Minyoung.)
⇨ The answer is '저는 박민영이에요.'
- '저' does not have the final consonant.
- Then add '는.'
- It becomes '저는.'
✎ 제 직업❓ 배우예요. (=I am an actor/actress.)
⇨ The answer is '제 직업은 배우예요.'
- '직업' has the final consonant 'ㅂ.'
- Then add '은.'
- It becomes '직업은.'
✎ 제 이름❓ 다니엘이에요. (=My name is Daniel.)
⇨ The answer is '제 이름은 다니엘이에요.'
- '이름' has the final consonant 'ㅁ.'
- Then add '은.'
- It becomes '이름은.'
4.3. Practice 3
Let's complete the sentence.
1. Ask and answer name
Korean Grammar '은/는' practice |
[Answer & Translation]
- 미소: 이름이 뭐예요? (=What is your name?)
- 나나: (❓❓) 나나예요.
What should be in (❓❓)?
⇨ You can say either
'저는 나나예요.' (= I am Nana.)
or '제 이름은 나나예요.' (My name is Nana.)
'저는 나나예요.' (= I am Nana.)
or '제 이름은 나나예요.' (My name is Nana.)
2. Ask and answer a job
Korean Grammar '은/는' practice |
[Answer & Translation]
- 미소: 직업이 뭐예요? (=What is your job?)
- 나나: (❓❓) 선생님이에요. (=I am a teacher.)
What should be in (❓❓)?
⇨ You can say either
'저는 선생님이에요.' (I am a teacher.)
or '제 직업은 선생님이에요.' (My job is a teacher.)
'저는 선생님이에요.' (I am a teacher.)
or '제 직업은 선생님이에요.' (My job is a teacher.)
Today we've learned 'N은/는.' '은/는' indicates that the preceding noun is the topic of the sentence.
That's all for today.
Thank you!