Learn Korean: Korean Grammar 124: V-아다가/어다가/해다가 = V-아다/어다/해다

 In this lesson, we're going to learn 'V-아다가/어다가/해다가' which is used to indicate that you are doing something first and then doing the next action with the object of the first action.

 ‘도서관에서 책을 빌려다가 집에서 읽을 거예요.’ (I will borrow a book from the library and then read it at home.)

If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.

🎬 Korean Grammar 124: https://youtu.be/sMcXG2cuZfo

⭐️Korean Grammar 124: V-아다가/어다가/해다가 = V-아다/어다/해다

1. A Shrot Conversation

- 나나: 미소 씨, 수업 끝나고 뭐 할 거예요?
Miso, what are you going to do after class?
- 미소: 읽고 싶은 책이 있어서요. 
I have a book that I want to read.
도서관에서 책을 빌려다가 집에서 읽을 거예요.
I will borrow a book from the library and then read it at home.

2. Usage

- 아다가/어다가/해다가 = 아다/어다/해다 
- '아다가/어다가/해다가' attaches after a verb stem.
- ‘아다가/어다가/해다가’is a connecting ending that connects two sentences.
- It is used to indicate that you are doing something first and then doing the next action with the object of the first action.
- It is usually used when the place where the previous action and the next action took place are different.

Let's look at some examples.

- Example Sentences

 도서관에서 책을 빌려다가 집에서 읽을 거예요. (빌리다 + 어다가)

1) 도서관에서 책을 빌려요. (I borrow a book from the library.)
2) 그리고 집에서 그 책을 읽을 거예요. (And I will read the book at home.)

1) 도서관에서 책을 빌려요. (I borrow a book from the library.)
- Where is it? - It's the library. (도서관).
- What do I do at the library? - Borrow a book.
- What is the object? -  It is a 'book (책)'.

And then do the next action.
2) 그리고 집에서 그 책을 읽을 거예요. (And I will read the book at home.)
- Where is it? - It's 'home (집).'
- What do I do at home? - I read a book at home.
- What is the object? - It is a 'book(책)'.
- But what kind of book is it? - It's 'the book I borrowed from the library.
- I read 'the book' (borrowed from the library).

In this case, you can connect these two sentences by using '-어다가. 
Then you can say, 
→'도서관에서 책을 빌려다가 집에서 책을 읽을 거예요.’
(I'll borrow a book from the library and then read it at home.')

- Here, '빌려다가' is a combination of the verb '빌리다' and '어다가.'
- When 'ㅓ' comes after the vowel 'ㅣ', they become 'ㅕ'.
- And '책 (book)' repeats in this sentence?
- Then you can omit '그 책을' and talk about it.

→ 도서관에서 책을 빌려다가 집에서 읽을 거예요. (빌리다 + 어다가)

✎ 마트에서 감자를 사다가 집에서 감자튀김을 만들어요. (사다 + 아다가)

1) 마트에서 감자를 사요. (I buy potatoes at the supermarket.)
2) 그리고 집에서 감자튀김을 만들어요. (And I make French fries at home.)

1) 마트에서 감자를 사요. (I buy potatoes at the supermarket.)
- Where is it? - It is a mart.
- What do I do at the supermarket? - I buy potatoes at the supermarket.
- What is the object? - 'Potatoes'

And then do the next action.

2) 그리고 집에서 감자튀김을 만들어요. (And I make French fries at home.)
- Where is it? - It is 'home'.
- What do I do at home? - I make French fries.
- What is the object? - 'French fries.'
- But what kind of fries?- It's 'French fries made with potatoes bought at the mart.
- Make 'fried potatoes' with the previous action's object 'potatoes bought at the mart'.
- In this case, you can connect these two sentences by using '-아다가. 

- Then you can say
→ ‘마트에서 감자를 사다가 집에서 감자튀김을 만들어요.’ (I buy potatoes at the mart and then make french fries at home.)
- Here, '사다가' is a combination of the verb '사다' and '아다가.'
- When '아' comes after the vowel 'ㅏ', it is shortened to 'ㅏ'.

3. Grammar Information

(1) When connecting two sentences using ‘아다가/어다가/해다가,' 

the subject of the first sentence and the subject of the following sentence should be the same.
In this case, delete the subject of the following sentence.

✎ 나는 책을 빌려다가 오빠가 집에서 그 책을 읽을 거예요. (X)
(I'll borrow a book, and my brother will read it at home.)
- The subject of the first sentence is '나 (I).'
- The subject of the second sentence is '오빠 (my older brother).'
- The subject of the preceding and following sentences is different.
- When the subject of the preceding and following sentences is different, it is an incorrect expression.

→ 나는 책을 빌려다가 (나는) 집에서 그 책을 읽을 거예요. (O)
- The subject of the first sentence is '나 (I).'
- The subject of the first sentence is '나 (I).'
- The subject of the preceding and following sentences is the same.
- In this case, delete the subject of the second sentence.

(2) And by adding one more thing, if the object of the previous sentence and the following sentence are the same, you can omit the object of the second sentence.

→ 나는 책을 빌려다가 (나는) 집에서 (그 책을) 읽을 거예요. (O)
- The object of the previous sentence is '책.'
- And the object of the following sentence is also '책'.
- In this case, you can omit '그 책을' and say 
→ 나는 책을 빌려다가 집에서 읽을 거예요. 
(I'll borrow a book from the library and then read it at home.)

4. Combination Information

- 아다가/어다가/해다가 attaches after a verb stem

1) Vowelㅏ, ㅗ: -아다가

- When the vowel before '다' is 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', '-아다가' is used.
- 찾다 + 아다가 → 찾아다가
- 보다 + 아다가 → 봐다가

2) Other Vowels: - 어다가

- When the vowel before '다' is other vowels other than 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', then '-어다가' is used after that.
- 꺾다 + 어다가 → 꺾어다가
- 만들다 + 어다가 → 만들어다가

3) 하다 → 해다가 (해다가 = 하다 + 여다가)

- When an verb ends in '하다', change '하다' to '해다가.' 
-'해다가' is a combination of the verb '하다' and '-여다가.'
- 요리하다 + 해다가 → 요리해다가
- 수입하다 + 해다가 → 수입해다가

4. Practice

✎ 제가 은행에서 돈을 찾아다가 드릴게요. (찾다 + 아다가)
I'll withdraw the money from the bank and then give it to you.
✎ 나나 씨, 냉장고에 있는 사과를 씻어다가 주세요. (씻다 + 어다가)
Nana, wash the apples in the refrigerator and give them to me, please.
✎ 저는 외국에서 옷을 수입해다가 한국에서 팔아요. (수입하다 + 해다가)
I import clothes from abroad and sell them in Korea.

(A Short Conversation 2)

- 미소: 나나 씨, 저녁에 뭐 해서 먹을 거예요?
       Nana, what are you going to do for dinner?
- 나나: 고기를 사다가 구워 먹을까 해요.
I'm thinking of buying meat and grilling it.
- 미소: 맛있겠네요. 저는 편의점에서 라면이나 사다 먹어야겠어요. 
It must be delicious. I will buy some ramen at the convenience store and then eat it (at home.)

→ 사다가 (사다 + 아다가)
→ 사다 (사다 + 아다)

Today we've learned 'V-아다가/어다가/해다가.'
That's all for today.

✔︎ More videos on Korean Grammar: http://bit.ly/basickoreangrammar

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