V-느라고 Learn Korean | Korean Grammar 144

In this lesson, we will look at the expression V-느라고.

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⭐️ Korean Grammar 144: V-느라고

회의 준비를 하느라고 점심을 못 먹었어요.

1. Short Conversation

- 미소: 나나 씨, 점심 먹었어요?

- 나나: 아니요. 아직이요.

- 미소: 지금 2시가 넘었는데 아직도 못 먹었어요?

- 나나: 네, 회의 준비를 하느라고 못 먹었어요.

→ The grammar we're going to learn today is ‘하느라고.’

(in English)

- Miso: Nana, did you have lunch?

- Nana: No.Not yet.

- Miso: It's past 2 o'clock, haven't you eaten yet?

- Nana: No. I couldn't eat because I was preparing for the meeting.

2. Usage

(1) Connecting ending:

 '-느라고' is a connecting ending that connects the preceding and following sentences.

(2) Cause (reason) + result

- The preceding sentence with '느라고' tells the cause or reason for the following sentence. 

- The following sentence mainly uses expressions such as '못 해요, 안 해요, 힘들어요, 바빠요', so, it is talking about not doing something or negative results. So, when this negative result comes out, '느라고' is used to make an excuse.

(3) Time overlap

- And '느라고' is usually used when the action of the preceding and following sentences proceeds at the same time. So '느라고' is used when the previous action is performed and the second action is not performed.

(- The preceding action continues. And the following action or state is partially or entirely overlapped. In this case, if you do the first action and cannot do the second action, you can use '느라고' to talk.)

3. Example Sentences

✎ 회의 준비를 했어요. (cause) + 그래서 점심을 못 먹었어요. (result)

   (I prepared the meeting. So I didn't have lunch.)

→ 회의 준비를 하느라고 점심을 못 먹었어요. (하다 + 느라고)

- Why didn't you eat lunch? - I prepared for the meeting. → It is a cause. So, as a result, I couldn't eat lunch.

- When linking two sentences that show cause and effect like this, you can connect them by using '-느라고.'

- Then you can say '회의 준비를 하느라고 점심을 못 먹었어요.'

- Here, '하느라고' is a combination of the verb '하다' and '-느라고.'

- What does this sentence mean?

- I went to work at 9 in the morning and prepared for the meeting by 2 in the afternoon.

- And lunchtime is from 12 to 1 pm. 

- The time at which the two actions take place overlaps.

- So, it means '회의 준비를 하느라고' - it's the cause.

- The result is - '점심을 못 먹었어요.'

- When talking about cause and effect like this, you can talk by combining the verb '하다' in the previous sentence followed by '-느라고'.

✎ 잠을 잤어요. (cause) + 그래서 전화를 못 받았어요. (result)

   (I slept. so I didn't answer the phone.)

→ 잠을 자느라고 전화를 못 받았어요. (자다 + 느라고)

- Why didn't you answer the phone? I slept. → It is a cause. So, as a result, I didn't answer the phone. - It's the result.

- Why didn't you answer the phone? - '잠을 자느라고' - it's a cause.

- When linking two sentences that show cause and effect like this, you can connect them by using '-느라고.'

- Then you can say '잠을 자느라고 전화를 못 받았어요.'

- Here, '자느라고' is a combination of the verb '자다' and '-느라고.'

-- What does this sentence mean?

- I was sleeping. In the meantime, I got a call. The two actions overlap in time.

- So, it means '잠을 자느라고' - it's the cause.

- The result is - '전화를 못 받았어요.'

- When talking about cause and effect like this, you can say it by combining '-느라고' after the verb '자다.'

✎ 친구와 놀았어요. (cause) + 그래서 숙제를 못 했어요. (result)

→ 친구와 노느라고 숙제를 못 했어요. (놀다 (ㄹ탈락) + 느라고)

4. Grammar Information

(1) Subject of the preceding sentence = (Subject of the following sentence)

- When using '-느라고', the subject of the preceding sentence and the subject of the following sentence must be the same. In this case, you can omit the subject of the following sentence.

는 잠을 자느라고 오빠는 전화를 못 받았어요. (X)

    (I was sleeping, so my older brother didn't answer the phone.)

- The subject of the first sentence is '저.'

- The subject of the following sentence is '오빠.'

- The subjects are different. This is the wrong sentence.

는 잠을 자느라고 (는) 전화를 못 받았어요. (O)

   (I slept so I didn't answer the phone.)

- The subject of the first sentence is '저.'

- The subject of the following sentence is '저.'

- The subjects are the same.

- In this case, you can omit the subject of the second sentence.

- Then you can say '저는 잠을 자느라 전화를 못 받았어요.'

- This is a correct sentence.

(2): ‘-았/었/했-, -겠-‘ (X)

- '-느라고' is not used together with the tense endings '-았/었/했- and -겠-'.

✎ 저는 회의 준비를 느라고 점심을 못 먹었어요. (X)

- The past tense marker '했' is used before '느라고.'

- This is the wrong sentence.

- A tense marker cannot be used before '-느라고'.

→ 저는 회의 준비를 하느라고 점심을 못 먹었어요. (O)

- A tense marker is used only in the following sentence.

-  This is the correct sentence.

(3) Imperative sentence (X), Propositive sentence (X)

- '-느라고' cannot be used in imperative and propositive sentences.

- So it cannot be used with expressions such as '-을래요?, -(으)ㅂ시다, -으세요.'

✎ 명령문 (imperative): 회의 준비를 하느라고 점심을 못 먹으세요. (X)

✎ 청유문 (propositive): 회의 준비를 하느라고 점심을 먹지 맙시다. (X)

5. Combination Information

- It attaches after a verb stem.

(1) Final Consonant O & X: -느라고

- Whether a verb stem has the final consonant or not, '-느라고' is used for both cases.

- 먹다 + 느라고 → 먹느라고

- When you look at the verb 먹다, remove '다'.

- Then there is the final consonant before '다'.

-  '-느라고' is used after that.

- So you can say '먹느라고.'

       - 보다 + 느라고 → 보느라고

- When you look at the verb 보다, remove '다'.

- Then there is no final consonant before '다.'

- '-느라고' is used after that.

- So you can say '보느라고.’

(2) Final Consonant ㄹ: (ㄹ탈락) + 느라고

- When a verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ’, delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘-느라고.’

- 만들다 (ㄹ탈락) + 느라고 → 만드느라고

- When you look at the verb 만들다', remove '다.'

- Then the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.

- Then, delete 'ㄹ' and then attach '-느라고'.

- So you can say '만드느라고.'

- 놀다 (ㄹ탈락) + 느라고 → 노느라고

- Let's look at the verb '놀다.' Remove '다'.

- Then the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.

- Then, delete 'ㄹ' and then attach '-느라고.'

- So you can say '노느라고.'

5. Practice

✎ 요즘 시험공부를 하다, 바빠요.

   (These days, I'm studying for an exam so I'm busy.)

→ 요즘 시험공부를 하느라고 바빠요. (하다 + 느라고)

✎ 케이크를 만들다, 시간 가는 줄 몰랐어요.

   (I was making a cake so I didn't realize how much time was passing.)

→ 케이크를 만드느라고 시간 가는 줄 몰랐어요. (만들다 (ㄹ탈락) + 느라고)

✎ 어젯밤에 만화책을 읽다, 잠을 늦게 잤어요 

   (I was reading a comic book last night so I slept late.)

→ 어젯밤에 만화책을 읽느라고 잠을 늦게 잤어요.(읽다 + 느라고)

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