A/V-ㄹ 텐데/을 텐데, N-일 텐데 Learn Korean | Korean Grammar Grammar 145

In this lesson, we will look at the expression ‘A/V-ㄹ 텐데/을 텐데, N-일 텐데.’

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🌷 Korean grammar lesson 145: https://youtu.be/Z8yKrDDDvjU

⭐️  Korean Grammar 한국어 문법 145: A/V-ㄹ 텐데/을 텐데, N-일 텐데

배고플 텐데 우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요?

1. Short Conversation

- 미소: 나나 씨, 오늘 바빠 보이네요. 밥은 먹고 일하고 있어요?

- 나나: 아니요. 오늘 하루 종일 일하느라 한 끼도 못 먹었어요.

- 미소: 정말요? 배고플 텐데 우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요?

→ The grammar we're going to learn today is '배고플 텐데.'

(in English)

- Miso: Nana, you look busy today. Did you have time to eat something while you've been working?

- Nana: No. I've been working all day today, so I haven't eaten a single meal. 

- Miso: Really? You must be hungry. Shall we go to dinner?

2. Usage

- It is a connecting ending that connects the preceding and following sentences.

- The preceding sentence with '-(으)ㄹ 텐데' indicates the speaker's strong guess. 

The following sentence is followed by something that relates to the preceding sentence or suggests something.

3. Example Sentences

✎ 미소: 오늘 한 끼도 못 먹었어요. (I haven't eaten a single meal today.)

   나나: 배고프겠어요. (guess) + 우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요? (suggest)

배고플 텐데 우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요? (배고프다 + ㄹ 텐데)

- Miso says: "오늘 한끼도 못 먹었어요." (I haven't eaten a single meal today.)

- Nana hears that and guesses Miso must be hungry. So she says - 배고프겠어요. (You must be hungry.)- She guesses.

- And then she suggests -  우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요? (Shall we go to dinner?)

- You can connect these two sentences into one by using 'ㄹ 텐데'.

- Then, you can say - 배고플 텐데 우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요?

- '배고플 텐데 is a combination of the adjective '배고프다'  and  'ㄹ 텐데'.

- '배고플 텐데' - talking about Nana's guess.

- '우리 저녁 먹으러 갈까요?' - she is making suggestions based on guesses.

✎ 미소: 내일 지안 씨 생일 파티에 못 갈 것 같아요.

   나나: 내일 같이 가면 좋을 것 같아요. (guess) + 아쉽네요. (related)

→ 내일 같이 가면 좋을 텐데 아쉽네요. (좋다 + 을 텐데)

- Miso says: -"내일 지안 씨 생일 파티에 못 갈 것 같아요." (I don't think I can go to Jian's birthday party tomorrow.)

- After Nana hears about it, she guesses that it would be good for Miso to go to the birthday party tomorrow.

- So, she says: "내일 같이 가면 좋을 것 같아요." (I think it would be good to go together tomorrow.) - She guesses.

- But she couldn't go.  And she talks about her feelings. - "아쉽네요." (That's too bad.)

- You can connect these two sentences into one by using '을 텐데'.

- Then you can say 내일 같이 가면 좋을 텐데 아쉽네요.

- Here, '좋을 텐데' is a combination of the adjective '좋다’ and '-을 텐데.'

- '내일 같이 가면 좋을텐데' - talking about Nana's guess.

- ‘아쉽네요.'- Based on the preceding sentence, Nana talks about her feelings.

✎ 미소: 주말에 백화점에 쇼핑하러 갈까요?

   나나: 주말에는 백화점에 사람이 많을 것 같아요. (guess) 

        + 주중에 가는 게 어때요? (suggest)

→ 주말에는 백화점에 사람이 많을 텐데 주중에 가는 게 어때요? (많다 + 을 텐데)

4. Grammar Information

(1) A/V-ㄹ/을 텐데요, N-일 텐데요 – Guess

-  '-(으)ㄹ 텐데 / 일 텐데' can be used as a sentence ending by adding '-요' to the end.

- This refers to the speaker's guesses or assumptions.

✎ 미소: 오후에 산책하러 갈까요?

→ 나나: 오후에 비가 올 텐데요. (오다 + ㄹ 텐데요)

- Miso says: -  오후에 산책 하러 갈까요? (Shall we go for a walk in the afternoon?)

- Nana looked at the weather forecast. They said it would rain in the afternoon.

- So, she says: "오후에 비가 올 텐데요." (It will rain in the afternoon.)

- '올 텐데요' is a combination of the verb '오다' and '-ㄹ 텐데요'

- It is talking about Nana's guess.

✎ 미소: 내일 지안 씨와 점심 먹을까요?

→ 나나: 지안 씨는 내일 휴가일 텐데요. (휴가 + 일 텐데요)

- Miso says: - "내일 지안 씨와 점심 먹을까요?" (Shall we have lunch with Jian tomorrow?)

- Nana knows that Jian is on vacation. 

- So, she says: "지안 씨는 내일 휴가일 텐데요." (Jian must be on vacation tomorrow.)

- '휴가일  텐데요' is a combination of the noun '휴가' and '-일 텐데요'

- It is talking about Nana's guess.


(2) ‘-았/었/했-‘ (O), ‘-겠-‘(X)

- And '-(으)ㄹ 텐데' can be used with the past tense marker '-았/었/했-.'

- But, it cannot be used with the future/speculation marker '-겠-'.

✎ Present: 비가 와서 운전하기 힘들 텐데 조심히 오세요. (O) (힘들다 (ㄹ drop) + ㄹ 텐데)

             (It must be difficult to drive because of the rain, but you arrived well.)

- '힘들 텐데' is a combination of the adjective '힘들다' and '-ㄹ 텐데' after removing 'ㄹ.'

- This is the correct sentence.

✎ Past: 비가 와서 운전하기 힘들었을 텐데 잘 도착했네요.(O) (힘들다 + 었 + 을 텐데)

        (It must have been difficult to drive because of the rain, but you arrived well.)

- '힘들었을 텐데' is a combination of the adjective '힘들다' and the past marker '-었-', and '-을 텐데'.

- This is the correct sentence.

- '-을 텐데' can be used after '-었-'.

✎ -겠-: 비가 와서 운전하기 힘들겠을 텐데 잘 도착했네요. (X) (힘들다 + 겠 + ㄹ 텐데)

       (It must have been difficult to drive because it was raining, but you arrived well.)

- '힘들겠을 텐데' is a combination of the adjective '힘들다' and '-겠-' and '-을 텐데'.

- This expression is incorrect.

- You cannot use '-을 텐데' after the future/speculation marker '-겠-.'

- This is the wrong sentence.

5. Combination Information

- '-(으)ㄹ 텐데' and '-일 텐데' attach after an adjective/verb stem and after a noun, respectively.

(1) Adjective/Verb 

1) Final Consonant O: -을 텐데

- When an adjective/a verb stem has the final consonant, '-을 텐데 is used.

- 먹다 + 을 텐데 → 먹을 텐데

- When you look at the verb '먹다', remove '다.'

- Then, there is the final consonant before '다'.

- '-을 텐데' is used after that.

- So you can say '먹을 텐데’.

       - 작다 + 을 텐데 → 작을 텐데

- Let's look at the adjective  '작다'. Firstly, remove '다'.

- Then, there is the final consonant before '다'.

- '-을 텐데' is used after that.

- So you can say '작을 텐데’.

2) Final Consonant X: -ㄹ 텐데

- When an adjective/verb stem does not have the final consonant, '-ㄹ 텐데' is used.

- 가다 + ㄹ 텐데 → 갈 텐데

- When you look at the verb 가다, remove '다.'

- Then, there is no final consonant before '다.'

- '-ㄹ 텐데' is used after that.

- So you can say '갈 텐데’.

      - 크다 + ㄹ 텐데 → 클 텐데

- When you look at the adjective 크다, remove '다.'

- Then, there is no final consonant before '다.'

- '-ㄹ 텐데' is used after that.

- So you can say '클 텐데’.

3) Final Consonant ㄹ: (ㄹdrop) + ㄹ 텐데

- When an adjective/a verb stem ends with the final consonant ‘ㄹ’ delete ‘ㄹ’ and attach ‘-ㄹ 텐데’.

- 만들다 (ㄹdrop) + ㄹ 텐데 → 만들 텐데

- When you look at the verb 만들다, remove '다.'

- Then, the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.

- Then delete 'ㄹ' and then attach '-ㄹ 텐데.'

- So you can say '만들 텐데.'

- 달다 (ㄹdrop) + ㄹ 텐데 → 달 텐데

- Let's look at the adjective '달다'. Remove '다.'

- Then, the final consonant is 'ㄹ' before '다'.

- Then delete 'ㄹ' and then attach '-ㄹ 텐데.'

- So you can say '달 텐데’.

(2) Noun

1) Final Consonant O & X: -일 텐데

- Whether a preceding noun has the final consonant or not, '-일 텐데' is used for both cases.

- 학생 + 일 텐데 → 학생일 텐데

- When you look at '학생', there is a final consonant.

- Then '-일 텐데' is used after that.

- So you can say '학생일 텐데’.

       - 가수 + 일 텐데 → 가수일 텐데

- When you look at '가수', there is the final consonant.

- Then '-일 텐데' is used after that.

- So you can say '가수일 텐데’.

6. Practice

✎ 모두 바쁘시다, 참석해 주셔서 감사합니다.

   (Thank you for attending, even though everyone must be busy.)

→ 모두 바쁘실 텐데 참석해 주셔서 감사합니다. (바쁘시다 + ㄹ 텐데)

✎ 재료가 있으면 비빔밥을 만들다, 재료가 없네요.

   (If I had the ingredients, I would make bibimbap, but I don't have the ingredients.)

→ 재료가 있으면 비빔밥을 만들 텐데 재료가 없네요 (만들다 (ㄹ탈락) + ㄹ 텐데)

✎ 지안 씨도 오늘 휴가, 같이 영화 보자고 할까요? 

   (Jian must be on vacation today, so would you like to see a movie together?)

→ 지안 씨도 오늘 휴가일 텐데 같이 영화 보자고 할까요?(휴가 + 일 텐데)

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