V-도록 Mastering Korean Grammar 186

구급차가 지나가도록 옆으로 비켜주세요.

안녕하세요. Welcome back to Basic Korean.

Today we're going to learn 'V-도록' which is used when the preceding word is talking about 1) the purpose of the following sentence, 2) the degree or method of action, and 3) the limit of time.

If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.

Usage of V-도록

• -도록 is a connective ending. 

• There are mainly three ways to use '-도록.'

1. Purpose 

2. the degree or method of action

3. the limit of time

Let's look at them one by one.

1. Purpose V-도록

First, look at '-도록' used when talking about 'purpose.'

✐ Nana: 구급차가 지나가도록 옆으로 비켜주세요. (지나가다 + 도록)
(Please move aside to allow the ambulance to pass.)

→ Here, '지나가도록' is the combination of the verb '지나가다' and '-도록.'

→  Nana calls for action. '옆으로 비켜주세요.' (Please move aside.)

→ Why is she asking?

→ Move aside to '구급차가 지나가도록, 구급차가 지나갈 수 있게'
   (Please move to the side so the ambulance can pass.)

→ Talk about the purpose of her call for action.

Let's look at the next example.

✐ Nana: 감기에 걸리지 않도록 옷을 따뜻하게 입으세요. (걸리지 않다 + 도록) 
             (Dress warmly to avoid catching a cold.)

 Here, '않도록' is a combination of the expression 'verb-지 않다' and '-도록.'

→ Nana says '옷을 따뜻하게 입으세요.' (Please wear warm clothes.)?

→ Why is she saying?

→ Please warm to clothes not to catch a cold '감기에 걸리지 않도록, 감기에 걸리지 않게.' 

→ It talks about the purpose of telling someone to wear warm clothes.

2. the degree or method of action:  V-도록

Let's look at example sentences used to talk about the degree or method of action.

Nana: 저는 눈이 빠지도록 합격 소식을 기다렸어요. (빠지다 + 도록)
            (I waited desperately for the news of my acceptance.)

→ '눈이 빠지도록 기다리다' (lit. waiting until one's eyes fall out) means wait desperately to such an extent that[until] one's eyes fall out.

→ It means that she has been waiting (eagerly) for a long time to hear news of her acceptance.

→ '빠지도록' is a combination of the verb '빠지다' and '-도록.'

→ Nana waited for news of her acceptance.

→ How long did she wait?

→ '눈이 빠지도록, 눈이 빠질만큼' 기다렸어요. (She waited ‘until my eyes fell out, as long as her eyes fell out’.)

→ It is talking about the degree of action.

Nana: 부모님께 손이 발이 되도록 빌었어요. (되다 + 도록)
           (I begged my parents for my hands to be my feet.)

→ '손이 발이 되도록 빌다' (lit. pray for one's hands to be feet). This expression is a metaphor for pleading earnestly to be forgiven for a fault or mistake.

→ Here, '되도록' is a combination of the verb '되다' and '-도록.'

→ Nana begged her parents.

→ How much did she beg for? 

→ She begged for her hands to be her feet.

→ It talks about the degree of action.

3. the limitation of time:  V-도록

Lastly, let's look at an example sentence used when talking about the limitations of time.

Nana: 미소와 밤 12시가 다 되도록 놀았어요. (되다 + 도록)
            (I played with Miso until almost midnight.)

→  Here, '되도록' is a combination of the verb '되다' and '-도록.'

→ Nana played with Miso.

→  Until when did she play?

→ '밤 12시가 다 될 때까지, 밤 12시가 다 되도록'. (They played until it was almost 12 o’clock at night.)

→  It is talking about the limits of time.

Let's look at the next example.

Nana: 한 달이 넘도록 지안이한테 연락이 없어요. (넘다 + 도록)
           (I haven't heard from Jian in over a month.)

→  Here, '넘도록' is a combination of the verb '되다' and '-도록.'

→  There is no contact from Jian.

→  How long has Nana yet to hear from Jian?

→ There has been no contact for over a month.

→ It is talking about the duration of time.

Combination information V-도록

Now let's look at the combination information.

Whether a verb stem has the final consonant or not, '-도록' is used.

1. Final Consonant O & X: -도록

1) 먹다 + 도록 → 먹도록

→ When you look at the verb '먹다', there is the final consonant.

→ Then '-도록' is used after the nouns.

→ So, you can say  '먹도록.'

2) 가다 + 도록 → 가도록

→ When you look at the verb '가다,' there is no final consonant. Then use '-도록.'

→ So, you can say  '가도록.'

Practice with Examples

Now let's practice.

1. 아이가 먹을 수 (있다) 고기를 작게 잘라 주세요.

→ 아이가 먹을 수 있도록 고기를 작게 잘라 주세요.

   (Cut the meat into small pieces so that the child can eat it.)

2. 미소 씨는 땅이 (꺼지다) 한숨을 쉬었어요.

→ 미소 씨는 땅이 꺼지도록 한숨을 쉬었어요.

    (Miso took a deep breath that made the ground disappear.)

3. 나나와 미소는 밤이 (새다) 이야기하며 놀았어요.

→ 나나와 미소는 밤이 새도록 이야기하며 놀았어요.

    (Nana and Miso played all night talking.)

Challenge Yourself: '-도록' Korean Grammar Quiz

Quiz 1: Try to fill in the blanks with the correct form of '-도록.'

example) 먹다 (v. eat) → 먹도록

1. 사다 (v. buy)

2. 걷다 (v. walk)

3. 열다 (v. open)

4. 만들다 (v. make)

5. 공부하다 (v. study)

Quiz 2) Complete the sentences using ‘-도록.’

6. 아이들이 수업에 집중할 수 (있다) 조용히 해 주세요.

7. 소화가 잘 (되다) 죽을 드세요.  

8. 저는 몸이 (부서지다) 열심히 일했어요.

9. 학생들이 목이 (터지다) 열심히 응원했어요.

10. 날이 (어두워지다) 아이가 집에 들어오지 않았어요.

11. 1년이 (넘다) 친구한테 연락이 없어요.


6. Please be quiet so that the children can concentrate on the class.

7. Eat porridge to digest well.

8. I worked hard as if my body was about to break.

9. The students cheered enthusiastically as if their voices were about to burst.

10. The child didn't come home until it got dark.

11. I haven't heard from my friend in over a year.

★ Answers

1. 사도록 (사다 + 도록) 

2. 걷도록 (걷다 + 도록) 

3. 열도록 (열다 + 도록) 

4. 만들도록 (만들다 + 도록) 

5. 공부하도록 (공부하다 + 도록) 

6. 아이들이 수업에 집중할 수 있도록 조용히 해 주세요. (있다 + 도록) (≑있게)

7. 소화가 잘 되도록 죽을 드세요. (되다 + 도록) (≑되게)

8. 저는 몸이 부서지도록 열심히 일했어요. (부서지다 + 도록)

9. 학생들이 목이 터지도록 열심히 응원했어요. (터지다 + 도록)

10. 날이 어두워지도록 아이가 집에 들어오지 않았어요. (어두워지다 + 도록)

11. 1년이 넘도록 친구한테 연락이 없어요. (넘다 + 도록)

❣️ Click the image to download the Quiz Pdf file.

Today we looked at three uses of ‘도록.' 

Mastering the usage of 'V-도록' in Korean grammar opens up a world of expression, allowing you to convey purpose, degree, and time constraints with precision and fluency. 

By understanding its various applications and practicing with examples and quizzes, you can enhance your language skills and communicate more effectively in Korean.

 Keep exploring, practicing, and expanding your knowledge, and you'll soon find yourself navigating the complexities of Korean grammar with confidence. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of 'V-도록.' That's all for today. Thank you.


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