Learn Korean | Learn Korean Grammar 76: 'A은/ㄴ 것 같다, V는 것 같다, N인 것 같다'

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In this lesson, we're going to learn a Korean grammar 'A은/ㄴ 것 같다, V는 것 같다, N인 것 같다'

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🎬 Korean Grammar Video 76: https://youtu.be/h_qa75iyjsE 

🌲Korean Grammar 76: A은/ㄴ 것 같다, V는 것 같다N인 것 같다
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Let's look at a short conversation first and see how today's grammar is used.

1. A short conversation

  • The [sky blue] is pronunciation.

Grammar 76: a short conversation with pronunciation


- 지안: 나나 씨, 혹시 미소 씨 어디에 있는지 알아요? 
          (Nana, do you know where Miso is?)
          전화를 안 받네요. 
          (She does not answer the phone.)

- 나나: 미소 씨는 지금 회의실에 있는 것 같아요.
          (It seems that Miso is in the meeting room.)
          아까 회의실에 간다고 했어요.
          (She said she went to the meeting room.)

Here, today's grammar is '있는 것 같아요.' Let's look at today's grammar!

2. Usage

  • '{은/ㄴ, 는, 인} 것 같다' attach after an adjective, a verb, and a noun respectfully. 
  • '{A-은/ㄴ, V는, N인} 것 같다' consists of 3 part: 
    1. '(으)ㄴ/는: adnominal suffix ' which describes the following noun '것' and it indicates an action or condition is happening now, 'present.'
    2. 것: bound noun
    3. 같다: an adjective
  • As a whole, you can use this grammar in 2 ways.

2.1 (Guess) It is used to indicate that we are guessing something that is happening, or the current state, based on various circumstances. In English, you might translate it as 'it seems, probably'

1. Guess
[Example & Translation]

미소 씨는 지금 회의실에 있는 것 같아요. 
   (It seems that Miso is in the meeting room.)
   아까 회의실에 간다고 했어요.
   (She said she went to the meeting room.)

 You have the evidence '아까 회의실에 간다고 했어요'. So based on the evidence you are guessing where Miso is now. '미소 씨는 지금 회의실에 있는 것 같아요.'

⇨ '있는 것 같아요' is a combination of '있다' + '는 것 같다.' (We'll look at the combination information in the below)

 미소 씨, 무슨 좋은 일 있어요?
    (Miso, anything good happens?)
    기분이 좋은 것 같아요.
    (You look happy.) 
 You see Miso smiles brightly.  And based on the facial expression, you are guessing that Miso is in a good mood now. So you can say '기분이 좋은 것 같아요.'

 '좋은 것 같아요' is a combination of '좋다' + '은 것 같다'

2.2. (Soften your tone) I
t is used to soften the tone of your opinion. In English, you can translate it as 'I think.'

2. Soften your opinion

[Example & Translation]

Imagine that you eat cake 🍰 and the taste is not good 😱. Then you can say

✎ 이 케이크는 맛이 없어요. (This cake doesn't taste good.)
 If you want to say it softly you can use '는 것 같다'

✎ 이 케이크는 맛이 없는 것 같아요. (I don't think this cake tastes good.)
⇨ '없는 것 같아요' is a combination of '없다' and '는 것 같다.' 
 '없는 것 같아요' You are talking more softly.

Another example is that,
If I ask you 'Which flower is prettier, rose 🌹 or tulip🌷?
You can answer 
 저는 장미꽃이 더 예뻐요. (For me, roses are prettier.)
 If you want to say it softly you can use 'ㄴ 것 같다' and say:

✎ 저는 장미꽃이 더 예쁜 것 같아요. (I think roses are prettier.)
⇨ '예쁜 것 같아요' is a combination of '예쁘다 (to be pretty)' and 'ㄴ 것 같다.'
⇨ '예쁜 것 같아요' You are talking more softly.

Now let's find out a combined information

3. Combined information.

3.1. Adjective-은/ㄴ 것 같다

  • If an adjective stem has the final consonant: '은 것 같다' is used
    ※ 받침 = final consonant
Adjective with a final consonant + 은 것 같다
  • 높다 (to be high)
    • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㅍ' in '높.'
    • Add '은 것 같다'.
    • So it becomes '높은 것 같다'
  • 작다 (to be small)
    • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㄱ' in '작.'
    • Add '은 것 같다'
    • So it becomes '작은 것 같다.
  • If an adjective stem does not have the final consonant, 'ㄴ 것 같다' is used.
Adjective without a final consonant + ㄴ 것 같다
    • 크다 (to be big)
      • When you remove '다', there is no final consonant in '크.'
      • Add 'ㄴ 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '큰 것 같다.'
    • 배고프다 (to be hungry)
      • When you remove '다', there is no final consonant in '프.'
      • Add 'ㄴ 것 같다'
      • So it becomes '배고픈 것 같다.'
    • If an adjective stem ends with 'ㄹ', delete 'ㄹ' and add 'ㄴ 것 같다'
    Adjective ends with 'ㄹ' + ㄴ 것 같다
    • 달다 (to be sweet)
      • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㄹ' in '달.'
      • Remove 'ㄹ.'
      • Add 'ㄴ 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '단 것 같다.'
    • 멀다 (to be far)
      • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㄹ' in '멀.'
      • Remove 'ㄹ.'
      • Add 'ㄴ 것 같다'
      • So it becomes '먼 것 같다.'
    • In summary
    Summary of adjective conjugation 'A은/ㄴ 것 같다'

    3.2. Verb-는 것 같다

    • In the case of a verb, whether it has the final consonant or not, '는 것 같다' is used.
    Verb with/without final consonant + 는 것 같다

    • 먹다 (to eat/to have)
      • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㄱ' in '먹.'
      • Add '는 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '먹는 것 같다.'
    • 오다 (to come)
      • When you remove '다', there is no final consonant '오.'
      • Add '는 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '오는 것 같다.'
    • If a verb has the final consonant 'ㄹ', then delete 'ㄹ' and add '는 것 같다.'
    Verb ends with 'ㄹ' + 는 것 같다
    • 만들다 (to make)
      • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㄹ' in '들.'
      • Remove 'ㄹ.'
      • Add '는 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '만드는 것 같다.'
    • 알다 (to know)
      • When you remove '다', there is the final consonant 'ㄹ' in '알.'
      • Remove 'ㄹ.'
      • Add '는 것 같다'
      • So it becomes '아는 것 같다.'
    • One thing you have to have in mind is that when an adjective ends with '있다/없다' such as '재미있다 (to be fun), 재미없다 (not to be fun), 맛있다 (to be delicious), 맛없다 (not to be delicious)', '는 것 같다' is used.
    Adjective ends with '있다/없다' + 는 것 같다
    • 재미있다 (to be fun, to be interesting)
      • It ends with '있다.'
      • Remove '다.'
      • Add '는 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '재미있는 것 같다.' (not '재미있은 것 같다')
    • 재미없다 (not to be fun, to be boring)
      • It ends with '없다.'
      • Remove '다.'
      • Add '는 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '재미없는 것 같다.' (not 재미없은 것 같다')
    • In summary of verb conjugation
    Summary of verb conjugation 'V는 것 같다'

    3.3. Noun-인 것 같다

    • Noun-인 것 같다 is formed from 'Noun이다' +'ㄴ 것 같다. 
      • For example, '학생이다' + ㄴ 것 같다' becomes '학생인 것 같다.'
    • In the case of a noun, whether a preceding noun has the final consonant or not, '인 것 같다' is used.
    Noun '인 것 같다'
    • 학생 (a student)
      • It has the final consonant 'ㅇ' in '생.'
      • Add '인 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '학생인 것 같다.'
    • 의사 (a doctor)
      • It does not have the final consonant in '사.'
      • Add '인 것 같다.'
      • So it becomes '의사인 것 같다.'
    • In summary of noun 
    Summary of noun + N인 것 같다

    3.4. Summary of the combined Information

    Combination chart: 'A은/ㄴ 것 같다, V는 것 같다, N인 것 같다

    4. Negation expressions

    Then, how do you negate '은/는/인 것 같다'? 

    4.1. Adjective and Verb negation

    In the case of adjectives and verbs, you can use '안 A/V' and 'A/V-지 않다' expression. 

    The negation of 'A은/ㄴ 것 같다, V는 것 같다'
    • 안 A/V: Add '안' before 'A은/ㄴ 것 같다' and 'V는 것 같다'
      • Adjective: 안 A은/ㄴ 것 같다
        • 작다 (to be small): 안 작은 것 같다
        • 크다 (to be big): 안 큰 것 같다
      • Verbs: 안 V는 것 같다
        • 먹다 (to eat): 안 먹는 것 같다
        • 쓰다 (to write): 안 쓰는 것 같다
    • A/V지 않다
      • Adjective + 지 않 것 같다
        • 작다: 작지 않은 것 같다
        • 크다: 크지 않은 것 같다
      • Verb + 지 않 것 같다
        • 먹다: 먹지 않는 것 같다
        • 쓰다: 쓰지 않는 것 같다

    4.2. Noun negation

    The negative form of 'N인 것 같다' is 'N(은/는)이/가 아닌 것 같다.'
    • Noun(은/는)이/가 아닌 것 같다
      • 'Noun인 것 같다' is the combination of 'Noun이다' and 'ㄴ 것 같다.'
      • The negative form of 'Noun이다' is 'Noun(은/는)이/가 아니다.' 
      • Add 'ㄴ 것 같다' after that. 
      • It becomes 'Noun(은/는)이/가 아닌 것 같다.'
    The negation of 'N인 것 같다'

    • 학생 (a student) has the final consonant.
      • 학생이 아닌 것 같다. (It seems that she/he is not a student.)
      • 학생은 아닌 것 같다. (It seems that at least she/he is not a student.)
    • 의사 (a doctor) does not have the final consonant.
      • 의사가 아닌 것 같다. (It seems that she/he is not a doctor.)
      • 의사는 아닌 것 같다. (It seems that at least she/he is not a doctor.)
    • You cannot use '안' with a noun. 
      So if you say '안 학생인 것 같다.' and '안 의사인 것 같다.' They are wrong!

    Now, let's practice by looking at more examples.

    5. Examples

    • 나나 씨는 한국어를 잘하는 것 같아요. (잘하다 + 는 것 같다)
      (I think that Nana is good at Korean.)
    • 옷이 조금 작은 것 같아요. (작다 + 은 것 같다)
      (I think the cloth is a bit small.)
    • 지안 씨는 대학생인 것 같아요. (대학생 + 인 것 같다)
      (It seems that Jian is a university student.)
    • 이 영화는 재미없는 것 같아요. (재미없다 + 는 것 같다)
      (I think this movie is boring.)

    Let's look at another short conversation. 


    - 나나: 미소 씨, 이 원피스 어떤 것 같아요?
                (Miso, what do you think about this one-piece dress?)
              저한테 잘 어울리는 것 같아요?
                (Do you think if it suits me?)

    - 미소: 네, 예쁜 것 같아요.
                (Yes, I think you look pretty.)
             그리고 긴 원피스가 이번 여름에 유행인 것 같아요.
                (And it seems that a long one-piece dress is a trend this summer.)
             여기에도 많이 보이네요.
                (I can see many of them here.)

    • 어떤 것 같아요 (어떻다 + ㄴ 것 같다)
    • 어울리는 것 같아요 (어울리다 + 는 것 같다)
    • 예쁜 것 같아요 (예쁘다 + ㄴ 것 같다)
    • 유행인 것 같아요 (유행 + 인 것 같다)

    Today we've learned 'Adjective-은, Verb-는, Noun-인 것 같다' which you can use when you guess something or when you talk something softly.

    Here are the related videos on Youtube.
    More videos on Grammar: http://bit.ly/basickoreangrammar

    Thank you~!

    이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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